Trial Guides Spinal Injury Claims Listserve

New Trial Guides Spinal Injury Litigation Listserve Community

This week Trial Guides launches the Spinal Injury Litigation Listserve for plaintiff lawyers.  The new Trial Guides litigation group community groups will focus on specific topics in law.

One of the first four list serve communities is the Trial Guides Spinal Injury Litigation Group.

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Spinal Injury Cases - Demand Letters

Handling Spinal Injury Cases - Sessions 3 and 4

As America's leading litigation publisher, Trial Guides knows that the most successful personal injury attorneys focus on mastering the medicine in their practice area. To support lawyers in improving their skills in handling spinal injury cases, Trial Guides has created the most comprehensive and advanced educational series in the legal profession for spinal injury lawyers hosted by trial lawyer and retired doctor Aaron DeShaw. This educational series will help lawyers achieve better insurance settlements, arbitration awards, and trial verdicts for their spinal injury claims. This blog post discusses the content of Sessions 3 and 4 in the Spinal Injury Cases series.
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Spinal Injury Cases for Lawyers

Spinal Injury CLE Series for Lawyers

As the leading litigation publisher in the United States, we know that the most successful personal injury attorneys focus on learning the medicine in their practice area.  To support lawyers in improving their skills in handling a wide variety of spinal injury cases, Trial Guides created the most comprehensive and advanced educational series in the legal profession for spinal injury lawyers.  This will help lawyers achieve better insurance company settlements, and trial verdicts for their spinal injury claims.
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Increasing Neck Injury Settlements

Increasing Claim Value on Neck Injury Cases video

Many personal injury practices center on spinal soft-tissue injuries. Most lawyers do not view these as valuable cases, but other lawyers obtain six-figure settlements and verdicts on the same type of soft-tissue injury cases. What would happen to your practice if you could spot more serious injuries, and then obtain objective evidence proving that these cases are worth much more than a few thousand dollars?
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Increasing Claim Value in Neck Injury Claims

Increasing Claim Value on Neck Injury Cases Live Webinar CLE

Many personal injury practices center on soft tissue injuries from car accidents. For many lawyers, these are not particularly valuable cases. But what if you could find objective evidence that some of these cases are worth much more?

In this webinar, Aaron DeShaw discusses new medical imaging that can help you objectively prove serious ligament injuries in the neck that will cause permanent injuries and can only be resolved with costly fixation surgery.

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Finding Hidden Injuries in "Soft Tissue" Cases

Finding Hidden Injuries in "Soft Tissue" Cases

We are proud to release a new CLE video by Aaron Deshaw: a doctor, a lawyer, author of Colossus: What Every Trial Lawyers Needs to Know, and a leading speaker on traumatic brain injuries.

In the Traumatic Injuries DVD, Dr. DeShaw lectures on traumatic brain injuries, inner ear injuries (perilymph fistulas, endolymph hydrops, BPPV), C1 ligament injuries, and Alar and Transverse ligament damages, and how what seems like a simple neck injury can lead to severe symptoms such as blindness or death.

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New Motor Vehicle Collision CLE for Lawyers and Doctors

New Motor Vehicle Collision CLE for Lawyers and Doctors

We are pleased to present an intensive two-day seminar on handling motor vehicle cases with Dr. Aaron DeShaw, Esq.  DeShaw is the author of the authoritative text on Colossus, the computer program used by most auto insurance companies to evaluate bodily injury claims. He has individually, and in cooperation with other law firms, obtained settlements and verdicts for clients of over $400 million. DeShaw rarely lectures, and this intensive seminar is his first in four years.

DeShaw will discuss how to handle your motor vehicle cases in a way that will obtain the best possible outcomes in settlement negotiations, and in trial. He will discuss how claims are segmented at major auto insurers into five types of claims, and how to best handle each of these types of claims.

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Lawyer Uses David Ball on Damages to Obtain $1.25 Million Verdict

Lawyer Uses David Ball on Damages to Obtain $1.25 Million Verdict

We recently received the following lawyer success story using the methods in David Ball on Damages.

"Sussex County is rural and is arguably one of the most conservative counties in N.J.. Last night at 6pm following an 8 day trial and a 3 hour deliberation, the Sussex County Jury returned a verdict of $1.25m! This represents one of the largest personal injury verdicts in county history and will be front page news tomorrow. Our client Jill Yucius (age 27) sustained an injury to her low back requiring fusion surgery and sustained an injury to her shoulder requiring arthroscopic surgery following an auto accident. The defense attorney had valued the case at less than $200,000...

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