Trial Guides Founder on Moe Levine on Advocacy

Trial Guides Founder on Moe Levine on Advocacy

"Publishing 'Moe Levine on Advocacy' is one of the great achievements of Trial Guides in the past 20 years. It is a book that every plaintiff lawyer should own.

Not long after meeting Rick Friedman, he told me to look into Moe Levine, a lawyer who was admired by many of the leading lawyers in the United States at the time - the trial lawyers we admire most today. Without publicly admitting it, many were using ideas from Levine in their largest cases. A quick search revealed that Levine's three books published in his lifetime were all selling for over $1,000 each!
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10 Tips for Managing Stress during Cross-Examination

As opposing counsel examines your witness, as you object to leading questions, and as you challenge the defense witness’s credibility, you may notice feelings of frustration, uncertainty, or even panic. Cross Examination expert Patrick Malone discusses how to identify and address these feelings.

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Meet Bill Bailey: Attorney, Professor, Visual Communicator

  Professor William “Bill” Bailey has devoted nearly forty years to trial law. During his career as both attorney and professor, Bailey has made se...
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An Interview with Trial Lawyer Randi McGinn

An Interview with Trial Lawyer Randi McGinn

The following is an interview with one of America's greatest trial lawyers, Randi McGinn. She is a member of the Inner Circle of Advocates an invitation-only group of the 100 best trial lawyers in America, and author of the Trial Guides book Changing Laws, Saving Lives.

Randi McGinn on Changing Laws, Saving Lives

Trial Guides: What made you want to write Changing Laws, Saving Lives?

Randi McGinn: I didn’t think there was a book out that gave you a feel for what it’s like to be in a case as a lawyer. And so, it was written for lawyers who are just starting out, lawyers who are experienced (because it has advice for them too), and people who think they might want to be lawyers.

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Trial Guides Author Interview with Randi McGinn

Trial Guides Author Interview with Randi McGinn

The following is an interview with trial lawyer Randi McGinn, the first female President of the Inner Circle of Advocates, and author of Trial Guides' book Changing Laws, Saving Lives.

Randi McGinn Recommends Trial Guides Products

Randi: I want to encourage lawyers to read books. I feel like I’ve written my book maybe at the exact moment when people have stopped reading books. But there is so much of value particularly in the Trial Guides books: Twelve Heroes One Voice, Rick Friedman and Pat Malone’s Rules of the Road.

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Trial Guides Year End Message for 2012

Trial Guides Year End Message for 2012

On August 16, 1946, a group of nine plaintiffs’ lawyers met in Portland, Oregon at the Heathman Hotel, and formed the first national organization for trial lawyers, called the National Association of Claimants’ Compensation Attorneys (NACCA). NACCA went on to become the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA®), and later the American Association for Justice (AAJ). In 2004, Trial Guides was formed in Portland, two blocks away from the birthplace of the AAJ. In late 2010, Trial Guides became the new publisher of books and multimedia material for the AAJ. The Trial Guides web site now provides products from both Trial Guides’ own product line, as well as products published in association with the AAJ.
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Rick Friedman: Taking it to the Next Level with Moral Core Advocacy

Rick Friedman: Taking it to the Next Level with Moral Core Advocacy

If you have the nuts and bolts of your trial strategy down and are concerned about the jury's perception of your credibility, consider Rick's new CD/DVD set Moral Core Advocacy. Many Trial Guides customers tell us they love listening to this lecture repeatedly during their commute. It is inspiring for plaintiff lawyers, and helps inspire both new and old trial lawyers for their next trial.
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Trial Lessons from Atticus Finch

Trial Lessons from Atticus Finch

Inner Circle of Advocates member Jim Perdue's second book for trial lawyers, I Remember Atticus: Inspiring Stories Every Trial Lawyer Should Know, reminds you of the qualities of faith, freedom, equality, courage, and perseverance that exemplify the American spirit and embody our justice system.

I Remember Atticus is more than a collection of inspiring stories. It is also an indispensable resource for the trial lawyer seeking more effective persuasion techniques. Perdue gives generously of his wealth of trial experience to show how novices and veterans alike may use our core values for practical advocacy. He does so in a way that entertains, informs, and inspires.

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Don Keenan Joins David Ball at the first Welcome to the Revolution Reptile CLE

Don Keenan Joins David Ball at the first Welcome to the Revolution Reptile CLE

Trial Guides is proud to announce that one of the nation's leading trial lawyers, Don Keenan, has agreed to join David Ball at Trial Guides' Welcome to the Revolution - Reptile CLE! It will be one of the "must see" CLEs of the year.

If you haven’t heard about David Ball and Don Keenan’s new “Reptile” trial technique, you are missing the most important trial strategy of the year. Together, they have written a masterpiece for plaintiff’s lawyers called REPTILE: The 2009 Manual for the Plaintiff's Revolution. The new method transforms even the worst jurors into your allies. Learn the material first hand at Trial Guides’ Welcome to the Revolution Reptile CLE

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New! Moe Levine: The Historic Recordings

New! Moe Levine: The Historic Recordings

Trial Guides is proud to release all known audio recordings of Moe Levine, one of the greatest trial lawyers in American history.

In this unique CD set, you'll hear Moe Levine's voice as he spoke to trial lawyer organizations in the 1960s and 70s. This CD set is a valuable companion to Moe Levine on Advocacy, Trial Guides' book of Levine's collected lectures and summations. One of the lectures in The Historic Recordings is included in Moe Levine on Advocacy, but the rest are only available on CD. The Historic Recordings together with Moe Levine on Advocacy give you a complete set of all of Levine's material.

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New! Moe Levine on Advocacy

New! Moe Levine on Advocacy

After over three years of work, Trial Guides is proud to announce the release of Moe Levine on Advocacy, the most comprehensive book ever released on Levine's lectures, trial transcripts and articles.

Moe Levine practiced in New York in the 1940s to early 1970s, trying over 2000 civil trials.  He was one of the first members of the Inner Circle of Advocates, and was close friends with Inner Circle founder Richard Grand.  He helped create the concept of "qualitative damages" while helping Grand re-frame one of his cases by taking a concept from the Bible and using it as a way to describe the client's loss. (The case is discussed in the book.)

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Closing Arguments in Child Injury and Child Wrongful Death Cases Volume 2 now available at Trial Guides

Closing Arguments in Child Injury and Child Wrongful Death Cases Volume 2 now available at Trial Guides

Trial Guides is now distributing "Closing Statements in Child Injury and Child Wrongful Death Cases Volume 2."

This book is a “must have” for any lawyer representing injured children. This book is a compilation of closing statements in child injury and wrongful death cases by 15 of the nation's best personal injury lawyers. Each lawyer is a member of the Inner Circle of Advocates, an organization comprised of the 100 best plaintiff trial lawyers in the United States. Most of the closing statements in this book came from cases in which the jury returned verdicts in excess of $1,000,000. The following trial lawyers who contributed to this text:

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Take Back the Courtroom with Rick Friedman

Take Back the Courtroom with Rick Friedman

Rick Friedman is widely respected as one of the top trial lawyers in the country. He is the author of two best selling legal books; Rules of the Road (Trial Guides, 2006), and Polarizing the Case (Trial Guides, 2007). Now, for the first time, Rick Friedman will present an intensive two day seminar revealing the secrets of his trial verdicts.

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Winning With Stories Comes to Trial Guides

Winning With Stories Comes to Trial Guides

Storytelling is amongst the most important skills for trial lawyers.  Winning with Stories: Using the Narrative to Persuade in Trials, Speeches & Lectures, is an examination of the power of the story in the art of persuasion. Inner Circle of Advocates member Jim M. Perdue proves that the story, as our primary vehicle for learning and teaching, is as important today as it was to our ancient ancestors. “Since the beginning of time, narratives have carried the truths of hope and justice.”
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"Closing Statements" Featuring 23 Inner Circle Members, Now Available at Trial Guides

"Closing Statements" Featuring 23 Inner Circle Members, Now Available at Trial Guides

Trial Guides is now distributing "Closing Statements in Child Injury and Death Cases."

This book is a “must have” for any lawyer representing injured children. This book is a compilation of closing statements in child injury and wrongful death cases by 23 of the nation's Top Personal Injury Lawyers. Each lawyer is a member of the Inner Circle of Advocates, an organization comprised of the 100 best plaintiff trial lawyers in the United States. Most of the closing statements in this book came from cases in which the jury returned verdicts in excess of $1,000,000.

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Trial Guides Welcomes Patrick Malone

Trial Guides Welcomes Patrick Malone

Trial Guides is pleased to announce that Washington DC lawyer Patrick Malone has become the company's next author, as a co-author of Rick Friedman's upcoming book Rules of the Road.

Patrick Malone is one of the leading attorneys in the eastern United States who represents victims of serious personal injuries against drug manufacturers, hospitals and others in the medical industry.

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