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Premises Liability Demand Letters - On Demand

Michael Neff



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Trial attorney Michael Neff is a nationally known premises liability lawyer who’s obtained verdicts of $47 million, $35 million, and other substantial verdicts and settlements in premises liability cases.

In this video, Michael Neff covers pre- and post-litigation demand letters in premises liability cases. Along the way, he addresses negligent security cases, defective design, failure to inspect, failure to maintain, and slip-and-fall cases. He also discusses offensively using fraudulent transfer law and spoliation motions in your cases. This video is a valuable companion to Michael Neff’s book, Premises Liability: A Guide to Success.

Premises Liability Demand Lett PROMO.mp4 from Trial Guides on Vimeo.



On Demand Program: 60 minutes

Original Air Date: 06/28/2019

Premises Liability Demand Letters - On Demand - Trial Guides

Premises Liability Demand Letters - On Demand

Click here for Access Instructions for On Demand Programs. 

Each user must register individually as they will need their own login to access the program.

Trial attorney Michael Neff is a nationally known premises liability lawyer who’s obtained verdicts of $47 million, $35 million, and other substantial verdicts and settlements in premises liability cases.

In this video, Michael Neff covers pre- and post-litigation demand letters in premises liability cases. Along the way, he addresses negligent security cases, defective design, failure to inspect, failure to maintain, and slip-and-fall cases. He also discusses offensively using fraudulent transfer law and spoliation motions in your cases. This video is a valuable companion to Michael Neff’s book, Premises Liability: A Guide to Success.

Premises Liability Demand Lett PROMO.mp4 from Trial Guides on Vimeo.


  • On Demand Program
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