Using Defense Witnesses to Prove Damages

Using Defense Witnesses to Prove Damages

In this excerpt from Damages Evolving, trial lawyers Nicholas Rowley and Courtney Rowley discuss how to use defense witnesses during cross-examination to advance your damages case.
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Best selling books and CLEs on Cross Examination

Best selling legal books and CLEs on Cross Examination

Trial Guides is the leading publisher of books on litigation. A key skill in practicing law is in cross examining adverse parties, lay witnesses and expert witnesses both in deposition and trial.  There are a few different methods of doing cross examination correctly.  Trial Guides publishes most of the best selling books and CLE videos on cross examination for lawyers, but what are the differences in what they teach?  And how can you improve your cross examination skills in deposition, arbitration and trial?

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Cutting Deep: Keith Mitnik’s Deeper Cuts

Reviewed by Ada K. Wong  Originally published in the April 2022 edition of Trial News, a monthly publication from the Washington State Association...
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Deeper Cuts Book Review

Reviewed by Ezra Smith  Originally published in the Spring 2022 issue of ATLA Docket, a quarterly publication from the Arkansas Trial Lawyer Associ...
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10 Tips on Conducting a Winning Cross Examination

10 Tips on Conducting a Winning Cross Examination

What you learned in law school and most CLEs about cross examination won't help you much because much of what is taught is long outdated, ineffective, and potentially dangerous for your case.  In this in-depth dive into cross examination we address historical teachings on cross examination, why they are no longer relevant, and  how new methods will help you succeed in deposition, arbitration and trial. This article is intended to help everyone from law students to 40 year veteran trial lawyers. 
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Polarizing the Case Rick Friedman Trial Guides

Calling the Defense Expert's Bluff

In "Polarizing the Case: Exposing & Defeating the Malingering Myth," Friedman provides what he calls "a guidebook for wrapping the malingering defense around the defense lawyer's neck and strangling him with it."
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Cross Examination book for lawyers

Patrick Malone discusses his new Cross Examination book

The following is from an interview of Trial Guides author Patrick Malone on his new book The Fearless Cross Examiner: Win the Witness, Win the Case.

Trial Guides: What made you want to write a book on cross examination?

Patrick Malone: What made me want to write a book for lawyers on cross examination is that the way I grew up learning how to do cross examination never worked for me. It was frustrating. I could never figure out how you’re always supposed to ask only leading questions, and ask questions you only know the answers to. I could never do it right.

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Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System

Pat Malone on "Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System"

The following is from an interview of Trial Guides author Patrick Malone on his video set Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System.

Trial Guides: I wanted to ask you about your new DVD series Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System with Trial Guides. Tell us a bit about it, and what inspired you to do this.

Patrick Malone: I thought it would be fun to do something for the 10 year anniversary of Rules of the Road. We were on the eve of it when I started thinking about the book and I just kind of had the idea that I’ll do six sessions, I’ll do them a month apart, live audience of my peers in Washington DC

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Dynamic Cross Examination Jim McComas Trial Guides

Winning Hard Cases with Dynamic Cross-Examination

Book Reviews of Case Analysis and Dynamic Cross Examination: If you do not buy, read, and re-read Case Analysis and Dynamic Cross-Examination after hearing Rick Friedman describe the method they explain as the "biggest break of my legal career," then nothing I could say will make you do so. And yet there are many more reasons to read them!
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Dynamic Cross Examination Jim McComas

Dynamic Cross-Examination reviewed in the Champion

Book Review of Dynamic Cross Examination: Imagine a book that explains how Bob Dylan strung his lyrics together, or one that reveals how Hank Aaron could distinguish in a millisecond a fastball from a curve. Those books remain to be written, but McComas has given attorneys the equivalent in the area of trial practice.
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Dorothy Clay Sims Exposing Deceptive Doctors CLE

Dorothy Clay Sims Exposing the Deceptive Defense CLEs in California

Join nationally renowned trial lawyer Dorothy Clay Sims who has made a career out of bringing to light the underhand tactics insurers and IME doctors use, for a day long, intensive seminar on exposing the deceptive defense. You'll learn how to defend your client against the IME doctor and convince the insurance company or jury what the claim is worth.
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Exposing Deceptive Defense Doctors Live CLE

Exposing Deceptive Defense Doctors Live CLE

Trial Guides is proud to provide an all-star line up for two upcoming live continuing legal education events on how to discredit junk science in court.

  • Dorothy Clay Sims is often called the most hated plaintiff lawyer in America for her practice of exposing defense doctors.
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