Image 18350_im01: Traumatic Brain Injury Illustration

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This image shows the effect of an impact to the back of the skull on the human brain for use in traumatic brain injury cases. This image shows the impact such as that which would occur with a rear end collision or a fall on the back of the head. Inset images also show the impact of shear forces on the border between the grey and white matter of the brain (which have different densities) leading to shear injuries along the border when they accelerate or decelerate at different rates in response to external force. This results in the primary injury of microscopic diffuse axonal injuries common in traumatic brain injuries. Three images in the graphic also demonstrate the microscopic damage to the axons of the brain. An exceptional image that visually tells the story of a traumatic brain injury for use by lawyers, treating doctors and forensic expert witnesses.

This medical illustration is best used for legal demand letters or physician narrative reports on traumatic brain injury cases, or in mediation, arbitration or trial on behalf of people who have sustained a traumatic brain injury.

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