Moe Levine on Advocacy

Moe Levine

9 Reviews
Format: Hardcover
Condition: New
Sale price$185.00

Moe Levine on Advocacy from Trial Guides on Vimeo.


Moe Levine was a pioneer in educating fellow trial lawyers on trial strategy, issue framing, and the mastery of forensic medicine. He has provided inspiration to many of the nation’s leading lawyers. His ideas are timeless, and apply as much today as when he used them over thirty years ago. This collection of his publicly available lectures and trial transcripts is the most complete book ever produced on the winning strategies of Moe Levine. Since his death in 1974, the nation’s leading trial lawyers and jury consultants have passed down Moe Levine’s teachings through their own trial work. Now, for the first time in over thirty years, you can learn these winning trial strategies directly from Moe Levine.

Hardcover: 502 pages; 1st edition (2009); ISBN: 978-1934833001
Publisher: Trial Guides, LLC
  1. Foreword by Don C. Keenan
  2. Foreword by Russell Corker
  3. Part I: Lectures on Advocacy
  4. Percepts of Persuasion
  5. Summations
  6. Thesis of the Whole Man
  7. Damages for the Destruction of Dignity and Pride
  8. Aggravation of Prior Condition
  9. Economic Replacement
  10. Impairment of Intellect
  11. An Evaluation of Pain
  12. The Psychology of the Closing Argument
  13. Part II: Lectures on Anatomy and Physiology After Trauma
  14. Skeletal Structure
  15. Brain Injuries
  16. The Five Primary Senses
  17. The Skin, Muscles, and Nerves
  18. Psychological Injuries
  19. The Heart and Internal Organs
  20. Summation Using the 'Whole Man' Concept
  21. Part III: Lectures on Medical Malpractice
  22. Investigations and Trial of a Medical Malpractice Case
  23. Part IV: Closing Arguments
  24. Death of an Alcoholic
  25. Damages for Burns
  26. Psychological Consequences
  27. Previous Illness, Difficult Liability
  28. Unemployment, Not Disability
  29. Damages for Second Injury Resulting from First
  30. Jenny O'Neal
  31. Double Amputation Case
  32. Afterword by Louise E. Schwartz

What Legal Leaders Are Saying

Trial Guides again trumps the big guys. In this continuing era of ‘tort-reformed’ jurors, the hard lesson is that the old ways no longer work, and we need something else. So we invent new things. But no less important is the precious trove of Moe Levine’s ways. What he did and taught way back then is dead-on what we need now. How so prescient? He dwelled at the intersection of mind and heart, the place that determines the outcome of every case. And he teaches you how to live there, too.

— David Ball, Ph.D., author of David Ball on Damages
4.8 out of 5 stars Based on 9 reviews
Alan R.
Verified Buyer
Levine really cares for people
Levine really cares for people = a rare thing making him a truly great attorney
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Verified Buyer
Awesome Book!
This book should be required reading for any new lawyer. The concepts are still applicable today. I am in fact now applying concepts learned in this book to ongoing cases.
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Todd B.
Verified Buyer
Great read
Great read
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California L.
Verified Reviewer
Interesting speeches, but not much practical advice
This is an ode to Moe Levine and you get from the speeches that he was a successful lawyer. But, the language is so antiquated and dense, that I did not find it useful. For that kind of money, if you're looking to improve your practice - it would be much
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Zebulan S.
Verified Buyer
Brilliant ideas on how to communicate with your jurors.
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