Trial Guides Customer Tom Wuori Wins $13.4M Premises Liability Verdict

Congratulations to Trial Guides customer Tom Wuori, of Ringsmuth Wuori, for his recent $13.4 million verdict!  Tom credits lessons learned from Rul...
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Recent $352 Million Verdict

Congratulations to trial lawyers Randy and Alex Sorrels, of Sorrels Law in Houston, Texas, for their recent $352.7 million verdict! The Sorrels cre...
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$91 Million Verdict on $25k Offer

A verdict from Eric Fong, Port Orchard, Washington A man named Will walks into a convenience store for a Gatorade. Unbeknownst to him, the store is...
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Trial Guides Author Rick Friedman Obtains $185 Million Jury Verdict

Trial Guides Author Rick Friedman Obtains $185 Million Jury Verdict

Trial Guides author Rick Friedman has obtained a $185,000,000 trial verdict against Monsanto in PCB litigation.

A Friedman Rubin, PLLP trial team led by Rick FriedmanHenry Jones, and Sean Gamble obtained a $185 Million Dollar verdict today in the case of Erickson et. al. v. Monsanto. The case involved three public school teachers who sued Monsanto and its corporate successors for poisoning teachers, students and parents who attended Sky Valley Education Center in Monroe, Washington between 2011 and 2016. The three teachers were the first plaintiffs to reach trial against Monsanto from a group of over 200 teachers, students and parents exposed to leaking PCB ballasts in fluorescent light fixtures at the school. The verdict follows years of hard-fought litigation between Monsanto, now owned by Bayer Pharmaceuticals, and a group of parents, students and teachers who would just not give up in their quest for justice.

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Winning Medical Malpractice Cases

Using The Rules of the Road™ Technique to Win Medical Malpractice Cases

One in three patients admitted to hospitals experiences a medical mistake, and the cost of fixing the harms caused by these errors is $17 billion a year. The number of 250,000 preventable deaths from medical errors per year in the United States according to Johns Hopkins landmark study - the third leading cause of death in the United States. Despite this, approximately 90 percent of all med mal verdicts favor the defendant. This article focuses on using Rules of the Road to win medical malpractice cases.
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$3.42 million Noneconomic Damages Verdict in Hidalgo County, Texas

$3.42 million Noneconomic Damages Verdict in Hidalgo County, Texas

In Hidalgo County, Texas, attorneys Michael Cowen and Malorie Peacock of Cowen Rodriguez and Peacock obtained a just multimillion-dollar verdict for the widow of a man who died during a trench collapse. Read more about how they obtained the verdict.

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Trial Guides 15th Anniversary, a word from our Founder

Fifteen years ago this month, I turned down offers from three major legal publishers and published the first two books for Trial Guides. The books...
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Official Rules of the Road Live Continuing Legal Education Event

Official Rules of the Road Live Continuing Legal Education Event

Trial Guides is proud to announce an officially sanctioned Rules of the Road™ Continuing Legal Education live event June 1-2, 2018.  The event will be a landmark event for Trial Guides' best selling book of all time, and is being held at The Palace Hotel in San Francisco. Trial Guides is hosting a special party at the event to celebrate the book of this important book.

The event features Rules of the Road co-author Patrick Malone, Cliff Atkinson, Dennis Donnelly, Michael Kelly, Jim Lees, and Zoe Littlepage.

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Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System

Pat Malone on "Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System"

The following is from an interview of Trial Guides author Patrick Malone on his video set Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System.

Trial Guides: I wanted to ask you about your new DVD series Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System with Trial Guides. Tell us a bit about it, and what inspired you to do this.

Patrick Malone: I thought it would be fun to do something for the 10 year anniversary of Rules of the Road. We were on the eve of it when I started thinking about the book and I just kind of had the idea that I’ll do six sessions, I’ll do them a month apart, live audience of my peers in Washington DC

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Patrick Malone on Winning Medical Malpractice Cases With The Rules of the Road Technique

Patrick Malone on Winning Medical Malpractice Cases With The Rules of the Road Technique

The following is from an interview of Trial Guides author Patrick Malone on his book Winning Medical Malpractice Cases Using the Rules of the Road Technique:

Trial Guides: What made you want to write your book Winning Medical Malpractice Cases with The Rules of the Road Technique?

Patrick Malone: This is one of those areas where the old days are so different from the modern era. In the old days a plaintiff’s lawyer was worried about getting a top expert and then once you have the expert, you’ve got a case. Within the last 10-15 years it’s just been one horror show after another where people with good cases keep losing...

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Trial Team Obtains Record $10M Verdict Using Trial by Human and Rules of the Road™

Trial Team Obtains Record $10M Verdict Using Trial by Human and Rules of the Road™

In a county where it’s said that civil plaintiff cases go to die, the trial team of Nicholas Rowley, Courtney Rowley, and Theresa Bowen of Carpen...
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Rick Friedman, Michael Haddad, and Julia Sherwin Obtain Record $8.3 Million Dollar Settlement

Rick Friedman, Michael Haddad, and Julia Sherwin Obtain Record $8.3 Million Dollar Settlement

Rick Friedman and co-­counsel Michael Haddad and Julia Sherwin (Haddad and Sherwin, LLP) have settled a difficult case with the largest reported civil rights wrongful death settlement in California history after almost four years in litigation. The case settled for $8.3 million after the first week of a ten ­week trial. Trial Guides interviewed Rick Friedman to share his insights on the case.
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