An Interview with Jesse Wilson, Trial Guides Author and Courtroom Iconoclast

An Interview with Jesse Wilson, Trial Guides Author and Courtroom Iconoclast

This month we had the opportunity to sit down with Jesse Wilson, author of Trial Guides’ newest title, Witness Preparation: How To Tell the Winning Story

Jesse imbues his clients and readers with the confidence to see themselves as the directors of a compelling story: one in which their injured client is not the victim, but the victor. His proven trial strategies can run contrary to what you may have learned in law school — which makes them all the more important to incorporate into your trial practice. 

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Trial in Action - Trial Guides

The Power of Psychodrama in Law

Psychodrama is a group psychotherapy method created by Jacob Levy Moreno and popularized in the legal field by Gerry Spence through Trial Lawyers College. Thousands of civil trial lawyers and criminal defense lawyers have been introduced to the power of psychodrama at TLC by Gerry Spence, Psychodramatist Don Clarkson, Psychodramatist Louise Lipman, and others.
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Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System

Pat Malone on "Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System"

The following is from an interview of Trial Guides author Patrick Malone on his video set Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System.

Trial Guides: I wanted to ask you about your new DVD series Rules of the Road: Roadmap to a Winning System with Trial Guides. Tell us a bit about it, and what inspired you to do this.

Patrick Malone: I thought it would be fun to do something for the 10 year anniversary of Rules of the Road. We were on the eve of it when I started thinking about the book and I just kind of had the idea that I’ll do six sessions, I’ll do them a month apart, live audience of my peers in Washington DC

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"Trial In Action" reviewed in The Colorado Lawyer

"Trial In Action" reviewed in The Colorado Lawyer

Book Review: Trial in Action presents a unique twist on the trial lawyer’s art. The authors strongly believe that, as a trial lawyer, "your goal is to help your juries hear, see, and feel your client’s stories." As a means to this end, they present the technique of legal "psychodrama," in which the lawyer prepares for trial through dramatic role playing.
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Trial in Action Trial Lawyers College

Trial In Action reviewed in the Whatcom County Bar

Book Review: From David Ball on Damages to Rules of the Road, numerous books written by experienced trial attorneys give perspective on how to successfully conduct jury trials. What persuades juries? What turns them off? Trial In Action: The Persuasive Power of Psychodrama is one of the newest books to broach the subject. In short, the authors explain how to use psychodrama in trial practice.
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Trial In Action Psychodrama Gerry Spence Trial Lawyers College

Trial in Action: The Persuasive Power of Psychodrama

Book Review: Trial in Action: The Persuasive Power of Psychodrama is not a book that be­longs on your bookshelf where it can be ignored. It is not meant to collect dust while the trial lawyer tries his or her cases in the “ordinary” way. It is a book that should be read immediately and often be­ cause the better you know and under­ stand the principles, the more effective you will be as you try your next case. As an added bonus, the more you will enjoy trying cases.
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