New York Times Blasts "Independent" Medical Examinations

New York Times Blasts "Independent" Medical Examinations

An investigative report published in the New York Times entitled "Exams of Injured Workers Fuels Mutual Mistrust" demonstrates the strong bias of IME doctors working for insurance companies. It could provide excellent ideas for cross-examination of an insurance doctor in your next trial.

In the NY Times article, a New York IME doctor admits, "If you did a truly pure report, you'd be out on your ears and the insurers wouldn't pay for it. You have to give them what they want... That's the game, baby."

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NY Times Blasts Defense Medical Examinations

The New York Times released an investigative report on the strong bias of defense medical examinations - also known as "IMEs" (Insurance Medical Examination). These are doctors who trade the respect and moral obligations of their doctorate degree for massive payments from insurance companies to deny injury claims. This common practice in personal injury claims results in doctors denying real injury claims.
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