Winning the Unwinnable Case through "Judo Law," Case Framing and Focus Group

Winning the Unwinnable Case through "Judo Law," Case Framing and Focus Group

Join leading trial consultant David Ball and attorney Gary C. Johnson in a discussion of how to win an "unwinnable" case. This video interview touches on ideas discovered in the early formation of the Reptile theory—specifically, the idea of community safety.

In 2002, a Kentucky jury ordered the defendant gas company to pay more than $270 million to the plaintiff, a man whose water well exploded, resulting in minor burn injuries with no lasting damages. A series of focus groups conducted over the months before trial showed just how difficult the case would be. Instead of backing away from the challenge, Gary Johnson used an approach he calls "Judo Law" to leverage the facts, and to turn the most difficult issues to his advantage. The approach turned this unwinnable case—in a county that everyone said would not give a decent verdict—into what is believed to be the largest verdict ever given to an individual for a company's environmental negligence.
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Trial Guides Releases David Ball and Gary Johnson's Winning the Unwinnable Case

Trial Guides Releases David Ball and Gary Johnson's Winning the Unwinnable Case

Trial Guides is proud to release a new CD / DVD set featuring trial consultant David Ball and trial lawyer Gary C. Johnson titled Winning the Unwinnable Case.

From David Ball's intro to this disc set:

This DVD is about the inspiring story of how one of America's best trial attorneys, Kentucky's Gary C. Johnson, prevailed in a nearly impossible case. This discussion's original purpose was to help other attorneys see how to deal with some of the most common problems encountered in nearly every personal injury case. But, the discussion turned out to be more. One of the most inspiring stories behind a trial you have ever heard. You will find yourself playing this discussion over and over, before every difficult trial you ever face.

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