Image 13082_im04: Cervical and Thoracic Trigger Point Injections Illustration

Sale price$300.00

This graphic includes a medical illustration demonstrating cervical and thoracic region injections, used after a traumatic spinal injury. The illustration is an oblique view of the human body demonstrating the outermost muscles of neck and midback including the cervical paraspinal muscles, the Trapezius, the Rhomboid Major, the Rhomboid Minor, as well as the Supraspinatus, Subscaputlaris, Infraspinatus and Teres Major muscles of the scapula and shoulder joint. The illustration demonstrates trigger point injections in the cervical paraspinal muscles, Trapezius and Rhomboid Major muscles. Trigger points are generally considered microspams in muscles, ligaments or tendons that cause local and referred pain. For more on trigger points and referred pain, see Travell, Janet; Simons David; Simons Lois (1999). Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual (2 vol. set, 2nd Ed.). USA: Lippincott Williams & Williams.

This graphic is best used for demand letters/narrative reports, mediation, arbitration or trial in cases involving trigger points in the cervical and thoracic regions after trauma.

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